(2835) Proposal to conserve the name Umbilicaria spodochroa (lichenized Ascomycota ) with a conserved type and with that spelling



(2835) Umbilicaria spodochroa Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. 2: 113. 1796 (‘spadochroa’), nom. et orth. cons. prop. Typus: [Sweden, Bohuslän] An Felsklippen am Meeresufer der Insel Tjörn in Schweden, 1884, Hellbom Arnold, Lich. Exs. No. 1101 (O 126234; isotypi: FH, G, U), typ. The lichen currently known as is a well-known species common on the coastal cliffs of southern Norway and Sweden, but original spelling epithet was ‘spadochroa’, there problem with typification this name that present proposal aims to solve. specific epithet, “Lichen spadochrous”, first used for an umbilicate by Jakob Ehrhart final issue his exsiccate Plantæ cryptogamæ Linn. quas locus earum natalibus collegit exsiccavit Fridericus Ehrhart, Helveto-Bernas. Decas Trigesima secunda, dated “Hannoverae 1793”, containing 10 taxa. Here we find: “316. Lichen spadochrous Ehrh. Upsaliæ”. thus clearly indicated he one proposing taxon. Other taxa same fascicle have other authors indicated. However, provided no description “L. Ehrh.” It nomen nudum − although course, included specimen exsiccate. locality spadochrous” given “Upsaliæ”, i.e., Uppsala, Sweden. According posthumously published autobiographical notes (Ehrhart Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 19: 1−9. 1796), visited Uppsala between 1773 1776 when studied Linnaeus father son, botanized vicinity. Ehrhart’s taxon made Hoffmann (Deutschl. 1796): “U. spadochroa, cinereo-glauca, laeviuscula, subtus sparsim fibrillosa papillosa subfusca. crypt. exs. 317. (Lich. spadochrous.) | In montosis.”, adding “Hercyn.” its (the Harz region central Germany). Hoffmann’s indication collection form cannot be considered establishment holotype (Art. 9.1 ICN – Turland & al. Regnum Veg. 158. 2018), did not indicate or and, reference “Hercyn.”, apparently had material. Llano (Monogr. Umbilicariaceae W. Hemisph.: 101. 1950) stated “Type: Chr. G., Crypt. 317, Hoffm. 1796” without, however, citing any particular giving actually having seen This does, represent first-stage lectotypification 9.17 ICN). Similarly, Wei Jiang (Asian Umbilicariaceae: 98. 1993) wrote: 113 (1796), seen.” Both copied Hoffmann's wrong number (317 316); no. 317 Byssus mollissima specimens Pl. 316, are another than understood. GOET well-preserved thallus U. hirsuta (Sw. ex Westr.) Ach. (in Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 15: 97. 1794) (≡ hirsutus Sw. Westr. 14: 47. 1793) sorediate margins, apothecia, has light lower side densely covered slender, white rhizinomorphs. James Edward Smith’s herbarium, LINN-HS 1703.19.3, MW hirsuta. suggests 316 consistently hirsuta, originally recognized Swedish doctor, Peter Olof Swartz, Erik Acharius (l.c. 1794). may explain why 1796) does supply ‘U. spadochroa’ separate places “9. hirsuta” “10. vellea”. He list accepted index volume. brief protologue enough distinguish two latter Adding confusion some taxa: “H. 1. quoad specimina cel Smith herbario linneano mecum communicata: polyrrhizos Lin., inferne cinereus subfuscus vel fusco-nigricans, scutellis distinctis contortis. Irrigata parum virescit frons, etiam polyphylla. Aliena cum cirrhosa pl. lich. t. 2. fig. 3. potius conveniens est: Achar. l. c. 4.)”. There L. (Sp. Pl.: 1151. 1753, ‘polyrhizos’) (from anyone else) what left herbarium MW, sheet, 1703.19, label clipped from Ehrlich’s numbered “3”, pencil written “polyrrhizos HL” right label, suggesting polyrrhizos. His conception erroneous because fairly rare Linnaean now polyrrhiza (L.) Fr. own right, typified Dillenius’s (cf. Jørgensen J. Soc. 115: 340, 379. 1994). While distinct (Descr. Cl. Crypt.: 9. 1789, ‘cirrosa’), suggested it came close illustration 1794: [post 160], 2, 4). apothecia here depicted however distinctly gyrose, which conforms understood, omphalodisc apothecia. led Frey Hedwigia 71: 112. 1931) state (Lichenogr. Universalis: 229, 673. 1810) describe habit so definitively doubt different Accordingly, gave author citation “(Ach. pr. p.) Frey. nov. comb.”, Acharius’s (H-ACH) labelled (l.c.) also presented new comprehensive Latin diagnosis, type. Although very precise, reason validly published, should “Hoffm.” that, order maintain current application spodochroa, unambiguous type established. If accepted, synonym must later would then species, such appears exist. earlier 1: ‘cirrosa’) sometimes been cited (Zahlbruckner, Cat. Univ. 4: 688–691. 1927), only referable General Herbarium (No. 8603a, “Umbilicaria Helvet”; MW) still velleus (l.c.: 1150) (= vellea l.c. 101). Introducing brand today well break principle avoiding disadvantageous nomenclatural change 14.1 14.2 A ‘spadochroa’. Nylander Scand.: 115. 1861) error ‘spodochroa’. Greek ‘spodochrous’ (σποδοσ, ashes χροιά χρόα color something) means ash-colored ash-grey, corresponds upper surface lichen; ‘spadis’ (σπάδιξ, palm-color, bay), “spadiceus” derived, date-colored, deep reddish-brown, certainly how colored, neither nor side. Indeed, most modern followed adopted evidence orthographic part, simply exsiccate, 1794, 1810), Wahlenberg (Fl. Suec.: 857. 1826) pre-1861 maintained “spado-” spelling, few (e.g., Merrill Bryologist 9: 83–87. 1906; Llano, l.c.: 97). is, unambiguously all recent systematic treatments, Moberg Holmåsen (Lavar: 1982), (l.c.), Krog (Lavflora: 297. 1994), (Fungi Lichens Great Britain; https://fungi.myspecies.info, Kew, British Society, 2019), Steenroos (Lichens Finland: 708. 2016) reason, I conserved 14.11 GH, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2954-4258 thanks following curators information collections, specimens: Robert Lücking (B), Marc Appelhans (GOET), Uwe Braun (HAL), Spencer, Honorary Curator Isabelle Charmantier, Head Collections (LINN), Alexey P. Seregin (MW), Martin Westberg (UPS), Karin Oehme, Chief Librarian (BGMB).

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عنوان ژورنال: Taxon

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['0040-0262', '1996-8175']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12578